
类别:其他 作者:王五秒字数:3643更新时间:22/08/05 19:14:00
“hello, are you hereinvestigate this matter?(你好,请问你们是来调查这件事情的吗。)”刘恺走上前,问道。那个年轻的男人走过来,说道:“hello,are the loca morningreceived a call from the police saying that someohis hotellet's  are you, please?(你好,我们是当地的警察,今天早上接到报警电话,说这个旅馆有人死了,所以我们来调查一下,请问,你们是谁。)”“we're from china, we're hereinvestigat morning, something like this happened again,we wantseewe can help you.(我们是从中国来的,是来调查一件事情的,今天早上又发生了这样的事情,所以我们想看一下能不能帮到你们什么。)”“excuse me, who are you?(请问,你们是什么人。)”“he's a local polic'm a local detective.(他是我们当地的一个警察,我是当地的一名侦探。)”“since you are from abroad, you should have e for that international criminal group.(既然是从国外来的,那你们应该是为了那个国际犯罪集团而来的吧。)”“yes, buthave very little information about that group,whatwantdoto assist youyour investigation and then askyou know about this group.(对,不过我们对那个集团掌握的信息也是很少,所以我们想的是,协助你们的调查,之后再问一下你们是否知道这个集团的事情。)”“althoughhave very little information about that group, let's try our bestprovide you withfinish the work here first.(虽然我们对那个集团掌握的消息也是很少,不过我们尽力为你们提供消息吧。那就先把这里的工作做完吧。)”

男人给其他人交代了一下,之后和刘恺他们来到他们的屋子,坐下后,说道:“well, when did you stay here?(那么,你们是什么时候在这里住下的。)”“we checkedhereabout one o'clockthe morning.(我们是凌晨一点左右在这里办理了入住手续。)”“did anything happen then?(当时有什么事情发生吗。)”“nothing happened, that is, whenwent through the formalities, the boss was talkingus all the time,if deliberately delayin also lookedus from timetime during the conversation, and turned his eyes backthe puter screen.(没有什么事情发生,就是在我们办理手续的时候,那个老板一直在和我们说话,好像是故意拖延时间一样,说话间还时不时看我们一眼,回头目光又回到了电脑屏幕上。)”“that's wort else has happened except these.(那这个值得注意一下。那除了这些没有其他的发生了吗。)”“whensaw the body, that is,8 a.m.,should have been killed whilewere sleeping.(在我们看到尸体的时候,也就是早上八点的时候,应该是在我们睡觉的时候被杀害的。)”“at that time,one would hear any sound,they chosedoin the deadnight.(当时也没有人会听到有什么声音,所以才会选择在夜深人静的时候选择动手。)”“do you know what that mancalled?(你们知道那个人叫什么吗。)”“accordingour investigation, the deceased was yamaguchi,years old.(根据我们的调查,死者叫山口赫,三十五岁。)”“yamaguchi? i remember when i was investigating before, the bossthat group called yamaguchi i. i feel that the two candiscussed together.(山口赫吗,我记得之前调查的时候,那个集团的老大叫山口一,我感觉这两者可以联系到一起来讨论一下。)”“accordingtheir surnames, they may have been a family before, and for what reason, the deceased betrayed and was killed.(根据姓氏的话,可能他们之前是一家人,后来出于什么原因,死者背叛了,所以被杀害了。)”“i just think it' the way, have you seen the surveillance video outside the door?(只是觉得有点可能,对了,门外的监控录像你们看了吗。)”“it was damaged.(被损坏掉了。)”“well, that's allknow, and somemy guesses.(这样啊,那我们知道的也只有这些了,还有我的一些猜想。)”“this case should alsorelatedth so,will assist youinvestigating all the information about that group.(那这次的案子应该也是和集团有关了,如果是的话,我们将会协助你调查关于那个集团的所有信息。)”


“if there are any other questions, i thinkcan talkeach other.(如果还有什么别的问题的话,我觉得我们可以相互交流一下。)”刘恺说道。“that''s exchange contact information.(说的也是,那就交换一下联系方式吧。)”交换完,男人走了。





“'m the manthe hotel thitellthe way, i'll askyou have time now?(喂,你好。我是今天早上在旅馆的那个人,我想和你说一些事,顺便再问你一些事,请问你现在有时间吗。)”“if you have time, i'llto seeall, you have just arrivedjapan and don't know the way.(有时间,那我一会儿去找你吧,毕竟你也是刚到日本,也不知道路。)”“thank you for you'll wait for youa coffee shop nextthe hotel.(那真是麻烦你了,谢谢了。那我就在旅馆旁边的一家咖啡店等你吧。)”“okay, i'llthereabout ten minutes.(好的,我大概十分钟左右过去。)”好的,我大概十分钟左右过去。